About The Event
The Third International Telecommunications Conference (ITC-Egypt'2023) is organized by the Air Defense College (ADC) in cooperation with the Royal Military College of Canada and Queen’s and Concordia Universities, Canada. The conference will be held in Air Defense College, Alexandria, Egypt, from July 18-20, 2023. The conference will feature a comprehensive high-quality technical program covering the latest research and innovation in communications technologies. The conference will include six technical tracks, workshops, selected posters/projects, keynotes, and technical/industrial research panels with prominent research leaders addressing emerging communications technologies. The ITC-Egypt’2023 conference is technically supported by the IEEE-MTT-S, IEEE-APS, IEEE Egypt Section, IEEE Alexandria Subsection, and ComSoc Egypt Chapter.
Air Defence College (ADC), Alexandria,Egypt
Tuesday to Thursday, 18-20 July, 2023
Technical program Schedule
Here is our event schedule
Tue, 17 July
Early Registration
Tue, 18 July
The opening session
Opening Lecture
Brigadier-General Dr. Ahmed Fathy Meligy (Assistant Director for Education Affairs)
Keynote speaker lecture
Prof. Natalia Stakhanova
Modern Methods in Cyber Security
Projects exhibition opening

Lunch Break
Keynote speaker lecture
Prof. Mohamed Slim Alouini.
Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering and Director of the Communication Theory Laboratory, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).
Keynote speaker lecture (on line)
Prof. Branislav M. Notaros
Director of the Electromagnetics Laboratory, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Colorado State University (USA) President-elect of the Antennas and Wave Propagation Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE APS).

Panel 1
Women in Tech: Innovation and Entrepreneurship on women and technology
Radar workshop
Technical Research and Development Center, Air Defense Forces
Wed, 19 July
Paper discussion sessions

Invited speaker lecture
Prof. Aboelmagd Noureldin
global navigation systems applications
Invited speaker lecture
Prof. Qunsheng Cao
Metamaterials Applications
Satellite workshop
Dr. Reyhan Baktur and the team

Lunch break
Paper discussion sessions

Paper discussion sessions
Thrs, 20 July
Paper discussion sessions

Invited speaker lecture
Prof. Hazem H. Refai
Former President of the Telecommunications Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEECOMSOC).
Invited speaker lecture
Prof. Soumaya Cherkaoui
Machine learning applications in the sixth generation
Panel on 6G Continuum
the latest communication technology

Lunch break
Closing word
Prof. Abdel Razik Sebak
Closing ceremony
Final program
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Event Venue
Event venue location info and gallery
The Egyptian
Air Defense College
كلية الدفاع الجوى
is the country's scientific military college aimed at supplying the army with its needs for professional engineers. It was established in 1974. Graduates of the Air Defense College get commissioned as officers in the Egyptian Air Defense Command. The College of Air Defense is one of the most modern advanced-technology research military campuses in the Middle East and is considered a destination for students coming from Arab and other countries who are willing to learn the necessary military skills based on the latest technology and research methods.
Technical Tracks
Antenna Systems, Propagation, Microwaves, RF Design and High Power EM
- Antennas, arrays, and circuits
- Antennas for space systems, modeling, and design
- Distributed antenna systems
- Energy-efficient antenna systems
- Antenna applications and emerging technologies
- Computational and numerical techniques
- RF and microwave integrated circuits.
- Propagation, scattering, and remote Sensing
- Electromagnetic environment and interference
- Electromagnetics and materials
- Hazards of electromagnetic
- Design methodology for RF and microwave ICs
- Microwave photonics integrated circuits
- Digital RF
- Narrowband and wideband channel characterization and modeling
- Propagation channel measurements, prediction, and simulation
Communication Technologies
- 5G/6G and beyond communication systems
- Millimeter wave and Terahertz communications
- Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems and massive MIMO systems
- Wireless Security
- Telecommunication Networks
- Cognitive and software-defined radio
- Machine learning in communication systems
- Ultra-reliable and low-latency communications
- Ultra-wideband communication systems
- Device-to-device and machine-type communications
- Cache-aided communication
- Distributed, edge, and cloud Computing
IoT, M2M, Sensor Networks, and Ad-Hoc Networking
- Nano ad hoc, sensor, and IoT networks
- Protocols, architectures, and applications for IoT
- IoT, tactile Internet, and social networks
- Connected car, automotive, and intelligent transportation
- Low-power wide area networks and technologies
- Ultra-low power IoT technologies and embedded system architectures
- Distributed storage, data fusion for IoT
- Wearables, body sensor networks, smart portable devices
- Underwater and underground sensor and actuator networks
- Autonomic computing for IoT
- Software-defined networking and cognitive Networking
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning for IoT
- IoT big data mining and analytics
Communication Software, Machine Learning and AI for Communications
- Network function virtualization
- Service function chaining
- Resource sharing & isolation
- Computer Vision in AI
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning in AI
- Multi-Agent Systems, Planning and Scheduling, and Uncertainty Modelling in AI
- Software-defined networking
- Virtualization technologies/techniques
- Mobile multi-access edge and fog computing
- Performance, interoperability, and scalability challenges/issues
- Security and privacy issues in virtualized environments
Radar and Space Systems, Signal Processing, Positioning, Navigation, and Sensing
- Beam-Forming, MIMO, and Exploiting Diversity.
- Tracking, Localization, and Classification.
- Robust Detection and Information Extraction.
- Multi-Sensor Architectures and Systems.
- Electronic Surveillance, Defence and Attack.
- Radar environment and phenomenology.
- Signal Processing.
- Ground to air, Ground to space surveillance.
- Airborne, Naval, and coastal surveillance.
- Multifunction, active/passive RF-EW-CNI systems.
- Networks of sensors.
- Remote sensing from airborne or spaceborne systems.
- SAR modes for 2D and interferometric SAR.
- Weather radar.
- the organization, design, development, integration, and operation of complex systems for space.
- navigation, avionics, spacecraft, and aerospace power.
- telemetry, defense, transportation, automated testing, and command and control.
- Small/micro/nanosatellite systems.
- Space robotics.
- Space communication and onboard hardware design.
Green Communications and Power Management and Control
- Renewable energy and distributed Generation.
- Condition monitoring in smart grid.
- Control and Automation in Smart Grid.
- Electric Vehicle and smart grid integration.
- Smart building and IoT.
- Demand response in smart grid.
- Smart Grids technologies.
- Smart Grids Transmission Infrastructure.
- Smart Grids management and control.
- Software for Smart Grids.
- Advanced IT energy-aware technologies.
- Challenges in Smart Grids and IT-energy aware technologies.
- Trends in energy fields.
- Power System Management Technologies.
- Power System Monitoring and Mitigation.
- Integrated Substation Automation Technologies.
- Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis System.
- Control Strategies for Modern Power System Stability.
- Power System Analysis and Optimization.
- Renewable Energy and Applications.
Fully Sponsors

Technical Sponsors


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Sponsorship & Exhibition
Dear Valued Exhibitors and Sponsors:
The International Telecommunications Conference (ITC-Egypt'2023) is organized by the Air Defense College (ADC), Egypt in cooperation with the Royal Military College of Canada & Queen’s and Concordia Universities, Canada. The ITC-Egypt’2023 conference is technically supported by the IEEE-MTT-S, IEEE-APS, IEEE Egypt Section, IEEE Alexandria Subsection, and ComSoc Egypt Chapter. It is scheduled to be held on 18-20July 2023, Air Defense College, Alexandria, Egypt.
The ITC-Egypt'2023 will offer a rich scientific program of the highest quality with invited speakers from all over the world and provide a broad forum of knowledge exchange for both academia and industry. The 3-day conference program includes keynote speeches by distinguished speakers from industry, academia, and government sectors, panels, technical sessions featuring peer-reviewed technical papers, workshops, project posters, exhibitions, and a relaxing and entertaining banquet. The conference will cover all aspects of telecommunications and its related areas.
The ITC-Egypt'2023 will provide an excellent opportunity for your company to showcase the latest hardware, software, technologies, concepts, products, services, and solutions to a large audience as well as the next generation of engineers and researchers. Multiple levels of patronage and opportunities are designed to cater to diversified needs.
We would like to invite you to participate as a sponsor/exhibitor at ITC-Egypt 2023. The event promises to provide you with one of the best opportunities to publicize and promote your company with excellent exposure and maximized access to a wide group of international engineers, researchers, investors, manufacturers, vendors, and distributors working in the sectors of wireless communication, antenna, sensors, radar, electronics, electromagnetics, microwave and mm-wave technologies, smart grid, power management, and applications in telecommunications, etc.
As the exhibition area is limited, participation in the exhibition will be based on a first come first served basis. Interested organizations are requested to fill in the included registration form (Register as Exhibition) for the ITC-Egypt'2023 conference.
Technical Paper: | |
Extended Firm Deadline: | |
Workshop Proposal: | |
Poster / Project: | |
Extended: | 15 May 2023 |
Technical Paper: | 15 May 2023 |
Poster / Project: | 02 June 2023 |
Paper Author: | 09 June 2023 |
Early Registration | 09 June 2023 |
Camera Ready | 09 June 2023 |
Charming Egypt
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