Antenna, RF, microwave, radar, microelectronics, wireless, and lightwave technologies are exploding! The importance of electromagnetic theory, computation, and design to these technologies can hardly be overstated. This keynote talk presents several novel methodologies and computational technologies of electromagnetics, including uncertainty quantification, error control, and adaptive refinement, which are essential for modern, effective, and reliable simulation-based design in mission-critical electromagnetic applications. Our novel approaches, constituted by accelerated, rigorous, adaptive, goal-oriented error estimation and control, sensitivity and uncertainty quantification, and model refinement for electromagnetics and engineering in general, show unparalleled accuracy, efficiency, robustness, and versatility of analyses and simulations. The talk also presents several advanced research projects combining electromagnetics with emerging topics and interdisciplinary applications to solve general realworld problems with impacts on communication, medicine, and meteorology. The applications include cyber-physical systems in smart underground mining; design of RF coils/antennas for next-generation magnetic resonance imaging scanners; direct electromagnetic coupling system for orthopedic fracturehealing diagnostics; and optical and radar measurements, modeling, and characterization of snowflakes and snow. While these topics and applications are really “all over” science and engineering, the talk will focus on the one strong interweaving common thread among all of them – electromagnetics.